

Mission Briefing


World of Crescent Moon Squad

Greetz Contest Winners

About Crescent Moon Squad

About Us

Click here to read an interview with us. Picture included.

David "Kyp Durron" Pittman

Currently playing: Everquest (Durroniel on Veeshan, Wood Elf Ranger).

Currently listening to: Older Goo Goo Dolls, anything by Offspring.

Eagerly awaiting: Perfect Dark (N64), Team Fortress 2, Quake III.

Experience: Game programming in GW-BASIC and QBASIC (and a little VB), 3D modeling in trueSpace4, and 2D graphics design in Paint Shop Pro.

One of the two founders of Crescent Moon Software, he's been playing video games since age 4 (or sometime around then). His dad bought Broderbund's The Ancient Art of War, and David spent countless hours playing it, winning campaigns, building custom scenarios, etc. He got his start in designing games by programming in GW-BASIC on his dad's old 286. Over time, his interests shifted from programming to graphics, and he took up 3D modeling and animation in trueSpace3, which was a natural precursor to Unreal level design, which put him where he is now. If you're on AOL, you can go here to see his large collection of CG AVIs.

Kyle "Striker" Pittman

Current fave games: Whatever's cool.

Currently listening to: Whatever's cool.

Eagerly awaiting: Whatever's cool.

Kyle, David's twin brother, has had pretty much all the same computer experience as David. He spends most of his free time on his computer, either surfing the web, playing PC games, modeling in trueSpace4, programming in Visual Basic 5, or working on Unreal levels. He hopes to someday be hired by a PC or console games company. Until then, he'll just keep doing what he does best--keeping up with the latest computer stuff.

Bobby "Blackwolf" Tamburrino

Blackwolf, an excellent tracker musician and author of the three new songs that were used in CMS, has written an all-new soundtrack for Apocalypse Threat. He does to AT what John Williams does to Star Wars. =) Click here to visit his home page.

Rob Just

A talented graphics designer, Rob has contributed three desktop wallpapers based on CMS and AT. They're available for download on the Files page. You can visit Rob's page, Antares Web Design, right here.