

Mission Briefing


World of Crescent Moon Squad

Greetz Contest Winners

About Crescent Moon Squad

About Us

We have a winner! Five, actually. For you uninformed people, we held a contest to let people get their names printed in Apocalypse Threat. All they had to do was send us their name and a reason we should pick them. Here they are...

I can relate to these first two guys, as far as multiplayer skills go. =)

Wade "LackofSkill" Fields - You should mention me in your game because I really suck in online multi-player Unreal. I love the game and I play a lot, but I really suck! I need to be mentioned so my self esteem gets a little boost, and maybe, just maybe I'll gain some sort of DeathMatch skill. Every little bit helps.

PyRoTeKnIx - most people who unreal also play multi-player, i knida suck at multi-player so maybe if my alias was in Apocalypse Threat it might inspire fear. and a bit of fear in the gibs of my enemies will get me lotz more gibs

FullSwing - CMS is the best mod ever, and I think it will be wayyy cool, for my name to be on, even if it is only for while. And I could play with my friends, and say, "Hey look! There's my name!!"

funkyeric - Ok, I have one. I wanna be mentioned because, like yourselves, I'm a young mapper and this is a pretty good chance for my name to get out!

Psychotica - I'll give you a good review....*wink* *wink*....wait, I'll be giving you a good review anyway - d0h! Check out the review at when the pack's done.

Okay, maybe that counts as bribery, but Psy is cool, and we'll do anything for some good quotes to post on our title page. =)